By: Jake Schrimsher
Changing how you think is one of the hardest things that you can possibly do, but if you're a sinner it's necessary. Sin corrupts the mind and changes how someone should think.
Changing how you think is one of the hardest things that you can possibly do, but if you're a sinner it's necessary. Sin corrupts the mind and changes how someone should think.
In Psalm 51:10 David said to God, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Because he was in sin, realized that he was in sin, and wanted to do something about it.
What do we need to do when we are in sin? Change our minds.
Sister Hazel has a song called "Change Your Mind" and in the chorus it says,
"If you want to be somebody else, If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself, If you want to be somebody else change your mind."
If you're trying to leave sin in it's tracks and never turn around and go back, change your mind.
Well, that's easy to say, but let's look at how we can change our minds.
1. We have to want to change our minds
If we aren't 100% dedicated, we can't do it.
This is so difficult. I've been striving to do this for a while now and it still seems impossible, but it's not.
I'm here to tell you, if we set our minds to something it can be accomplished.
How did you learn how to play the instrument you play, how to swim, or how to do anything that you do? You set your mind to it.
So, want to change your mind.
2. Get help.
There are a lot of things in this world that require help from another person and it just so happens that this is one of them.
How can someone else help you do this?
Ask them to text or call you on a regular basis to encourage you do continue striving. I recommend that it include a daily bible verse.
That will get you thinking. It will keep you focused on what's important and keep your mind where it needs to be.
3. Pray about it.
A persons most difficult problems can be solved by talking to their heavenly Father.
It's something that you can't live without. If you could live without it, I don't think that God would have made it possible, but he did!
Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
Don't think that you can do it without God. Because you can't.
God is an essential part in changing your mind and if you don't include him, your mind will not be changed.
Pour out your whole mind to God. He wants you to tell him everything. He is all knowing, but he wants you to go to him with your problems.
4. Read God's word.
Open up your bible everyday and read at least one chapter.
Don't just read it, but think about what it means. If you can't figure out what it means ask one of your brothers or sisters in Christ.
1 Chronicles 16:11 says,
"Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always."
5. Get rid of things.
There are things everywhere that cause us to stumble and the best thing for us to do is try to get rid of all of them.
Anything that's holding you back from a strong relationship with God, get rid of it.
There's no reason to keep it in your life if it's holding you apart from God.
If you have a problem, CHANGE YOUR MIND!
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